
Be a part of something bigger!

Join our crew.

Kia Cafe was founded on the belief that the key to success is not only in providing great food and concoctions but also in having a team of inspired, passionate, and motivated individuals who work together to create an unforgettable experience for their customers.

The Kia Cafe crew always seeks new members who share these values. They welcome those willing to innovate, experiment, and develop their talents to the maximum. Whether you’re a barista, a chef, or a marketer, there’s a place for you in the Kia Cafe family.

Working with Kia Cafe isn’t just a job; it’s a fun and fulfilling experience. The crew is always open to new ideas and encourages everyone to bring their out-of-the-box thinking. From the kitchen to the front of the house, everyone makes Kia Cafe the best it can be.

Check out the current job openings if you want to join the Kia Cafe crew. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. The crew is always happy to chat with potential new members.

Fill Up the below form to work with us


    Basic Information

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Date Of Birth*


    Mobile No.*

    WhatsApp No.*

    Address Information

    Current City*


    Qualification Details

    Highest Qualification*



    Year of Passing*

    Experience Details

    Work Experience in years*

    Skill Set*

    Current Employer*


    Current Designation / Role*

    Current Salary*

    Expected Salary*

    Attach Your Resume*